I am pleased to announce that I will be teaching the April 2007 Kudzu Klinic for the GDCTA. Details follow below:
Originally published on the GDCTA website.
GDCTA Sponsored Kudzu Klinic
April 14-15, 2007
Dressage with Chris Krowchuk
at Camelot Farm in Moreland, GA
The Kudzu Klinic program is an opportunity for GDCTA members to participate in low cost clinics which provide instruction of correct basics for lower level riders and their horses. The Kudzu Klinics are made possible by the generous work of professional trainers who volunteer their time and barn owners who donate their facilities for the day. The rider fee goes toward supporting the work of GDCTA.
The clinic format may vary slightly with each clinic, but generally for dressage clinics there will be 5-7 sessions with 1-2 riders per session. Lunch-time Lectures may be given at the clinics. Auditors may sign up at the clinic, but pre-registration would be appreciated so that the lecturer can bring enough material for all participants.
Bring your own lunch, drinks and chair for the lecture.
To Reserve your place in this clinic, please complete the following and mail to address below:
1. Completed registration form 4. Check made payable to GDCTA.
2. Copy of GDCTA membership card 5. A signed GDCTA Hold Harmless Form
3. Copy of current negative Coggins certificate 6. E-mail address
Clinician: Chris Krowchuk Krowchuk Dressage
Location: Camelot Farm
Moreland, GA
Levels Offered: Intro Training 1st Level 2nd Level (circle one)
Clinic Date: April 14 and 15 Please submit entry by Closing Date: April 11
Rider Fee: Dressage Clinics $25 Auditor Fee: $5
An entry form may be downloaded: here
More information may be found about the instructor by clicking on the BIO link by his or her name in the GDCTA website.
Please send forms and check to: Merideth Roberts
P.O. Box 552
Resaca, GA 30735
Kudzu Klinic Coordinator:
Merideth Roberts 706-280-0870
E-mail: Merideth Roberts