In this fantastically detailed and uniquely organized reference, 2008 Olympic gold and silver medal-winner Isabell Werth demonstrates the what, the how, and—most importantly—the why of more than 100 dressage movements. She shows readers how each should look, explains common mistakes and how to avoid them, and then describes the benefit of the exercise and how it contributes to the dressage training scale. In addition, emphasis is placed on the horse as an individual and customizing movements and lessons to benefit any animal, with their particular physical and psychological characteristics in mind. Practical and easy-to-follow, this resource promises to take the mystery out of dressage schooling forever.
About the Author
Britta Schöffmann is a journalist, the recipient of a gold German riding badge, a Grand Prix rider, a competition judge, and an instructor. She is the author of Klaus Balkenhol: The Man and His Training Methods as well as several German-language books that focus on the value of a strong mutual bond of trust between rider and horse.