Alyssa is a talented young rider that has been schooling with me for three years now, since she was 11 or 12. Before entering my program, Alyssa was over-faced at a show by a previous trainer and as result lost desire to show.
About three years ago I started training CF Sambucca for Dee Bruce of Chatuge Farms. At first we never thought Sammi would make much of a dressage horse, her gaits were quite flat. Soon enough though this little mare started to surprise me. She picked up leg yield very quickly and within weeks was correctly leg yielding the entire width of a 20x40m arena. Shoulder In also came quick and easy to Sammi, as did travers / renvers, half pass, full pass and turn on the haunches. Sammi soon became one of my favorite school horses. With her excellent mind and kind demeanor she has taught numerous children and adults how to ride. She has also helped to teach more experienced riders how to ride the laterals. With her relatively flat gaits she is smooth and easy to sit.
Then about two years ago Alyssa decided she wished to own Sammi. Or is it the other way around?
Always willing to share her horse with others, Alyssa is a wonderful child that works very hard on her riding. Still I kept hinting that she might wish to get out and show Sammi. Finally this spring I felt she was ready and just needed the final push to get out there, so I told her out of the blue one day… “oh, by the way I entered you and Sammi in next months GDCTA schooling show at Rising Fawn in Ball Ground Georgia”.
So we set to work tidying a few things up and working on a few of the weak areas that needed to be addressed. Sammi is the type of horse who will only do slightly less than you ask and never ever more. So we needed to “motivate” her a little.
Although Alyssa finished just out of the ribbons at her first show, showing Intro A and B, she did break 60% on both tests first time out and I am proud of her accomplishment and how well Sammi the school horse took care of her.
Thank you Alyssa for all your hard work, and for the use of Sammi the school mistress for all my beginners! And thank you also to Alyssa’s parents who have been uber supportive and dedicated to driving Alyssa to the barn on a regular basis. You are raising a great child.
Alyssa, now that you are hooked on showing I expect I will see great things from you in the future!