A must have classic book for every dressage riders library! Dr. Reiner Klimke presents the classically correct dressage through illustration. For those of you who are visual learners, you will find this book just what you need.
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
26 of 28 people found the following review helpful:
3.0 out of 5 stars If you are looking for a practical book, this is not it!, October 29, 1999
This review is for: Klimke on Dressage: From the Young Horse Through Grand Prix (Hardcover)
If, on the other hand, you are looking for lots of pictures of great riders and equally great horses, this is it! It is a beautiful book with a lot of photographs and very little text. It takes the reader through the ‘ideal’ developmental stages of dressage but without detail. I was looking for more practical words of wisdom on how to achieve the pictured perfection, but found none.
6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars more usefull than you think!, June 5, 2001
By Michelle Cavanaugh “Michelle77” (chicago, IL USA)
This review is from: Klimke on Dressage: From the Young Horse Through Grand Prix (Hardcover)
This book is full of large photos of what dressage should look like and in my years of riding I can tell you a picture is worth a thousand words. Every trainer in the country uses all the same words but unless his horses look like these he is incorect, it is that simple. The poll is the highest point always and the head should never be bent past the vertical. Klimke did a great job of collecting pictures of real horese being schooled in dressage corectly something few trainers bother to do nowdays anywhere in the world. Use your eyes and you can learn volumes from this slim work!
5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful Photographs of the various stages of Dressage, August 18, 1999
This review is from: Klimke on Dressage: From the Young Horse Through Grand Prix (Hardcover)
This book is one of the most beautifully photographed books on dressage and horse sports in general available. Even if you are not a dressage lover, the chronicle of the developing horse will be of interest. This book includes some very rare photographs of some of dressage’s great equine and human athletes. With the untimely demise of Dr Klimke the book will certainly be more difficult to obtain.